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第三届Shoroon Bumbagar墓穴及其壁画保护研讨会将在蒙古举行

Third Workshop for the Preservation of the Shoroon Bumbagar Necropolis and its Mural Paintings in Mongolia

第三届Shoroon Bumbagar墓穴及其壁画保护研讨会将在蒙古举行



A third workshop within the framework of the UNESCO/Monaco cooperation for the stabilization of the archaeological tomb of Shoroon Bumbagar and preservation and conservation of its ancient mural paintings will be held in Bayannuur, Mongolia from 3-15 April 2017. 

在联合国教科文组织与摩纳哥公国的合作框架下,旨在保护Shoroon Bumbagar古墓及其壁画的第三次研讨会将于2017年4月3日至15日在蒙古国的巴彦淖尔举行。

The forthcoming workshop is a continuation of previous trainings that have addressed the theoretical and practical geological aspects of stabilizing the tomb of a 6th to 7th century AD nobleman and conserving and restoring its mural paintings. 


Following last years’ practical exercise to test the material components of the tomb in order to utilize suitable adhesives of plasters and apply the right chemical compounds to address the issue of destructive microorganisms on the mural paintings, this round of exercises will develop on this base of knowledge and skills of the selected national conservators to restore and conserve the site from start to finish. 


With the guidance of an international expert in painting conservation/restoration, this years’ workshop aims to demonstrate the progression of conservation work on a sample area of paint layer in the tomb, from the initial phase of testing and analysis into restoration and conservation, up until the final phase, the aesthetic presentation of the painting, with the hope that Mongolia’s national conservators will be able to repeat the process on similar future situations in the country. 


This is in line with the main objectives of the project by the Principality of Monaco and UNESCO to improve the capacities of Mongolia’s authorities and experts for the stabilization, conservation and preservation of the Shoroon Bumbagar necropolis and sensitize local authorities and communities in Mongolia on the importance of the protection of archaeological cultural heritage.

本次研讨会的目的与摩纳哥公国-联合国教科文组织合作项目的主要目标一致,旨在提升蒙古国政府的能力建设、提高Shoroon Bumbagar古墓专业保护人员的技能水平并进一步激发蒙古地方政府与团体对古文化遗产保护的重视。

The second aim of this workshop will be to address various issues found in the micro-climate of the tomb that are causing the proliferation of microorganisms and the degradation of the mural paintings. An environmental expert will be on site during the workshop to inform the group of conservators on ways to assess the environmental/climate parameters causing deterioration processes in the tomb and suggest adequate responses. 


This workshop is jointly organized by UNESCO, the Ministry of Education, Culture Science and Sports of Mongolia, the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO and the Center of Cultural Heritage of Mongolia.




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